Chinese envoy urges nationals to abide by Guyana’s laws

Chairman of Queens Atlantic Industrial Investments (QAII), Dr.Ramroop, explains the operation of a machine to Chinese Ambassador to Guyana, Yu Wenzhe, during his visit to QAII, at Ruimveldt Industrial Estate

Chinese Ambassador to Guyana, Yu Wenzhe, says he is impressed with the relationship between Guyana and China, but he implored his countrymen who have migrated to Guyana to respect the country’s laws and regulations. 

He made the comments during a tour of the Guyana Times/TVG Inc office on Camp and Quamina Streets, and the Queens Atlantic Industrial Investments (QAII), at Ruimveldt Industrial Site. The ambassador, in response to questions about his reaction to the Chinese businesses that have been established in and around Georgetown, said he was happy with the progressing business relations between the two countries. 

But he stressed the importance of Chinese investors abiding by Guyana’s laws and regulations, and living in peace with Guyanese. “I believe (that) in doing business, you must have a win/win situation, because nobody wants to get into business to lose money, but both sides have to benefit. So, I hope and believe that the relations bring concrete benefits to the people of both countries,” Ambassador Wenzhe related. 

The Chinese diplomat said Guyana’s economy is doing better when compared to some of its Caribbean counterparts, even amidst the lingering global financial crisis. 

He noted that the local business community has tremendous confidence in the economy and the future of the country. 

The ambassador, who has spent about four months in Guyana, observed that there are many construction projects ongoing, such as “building of new roads and extension of the airport”. He highlighted that, “… among the people, both local and in the diplomatic community, it seems like the businesses have good confidence for the next few years for Guyana in the economic and social development.” He noted that many Chinese companies would come to Guyana to explore areas for economic cooperation not only with the government, but also for linkages with the private sector. This is highly encouraged by the embassy in Guyana; and, this year, the embassy plans to advance these activities, encouraging investments in agriculture, forestry, and other areas. These possible investors recognise the vast land space available in Guyana to aid natural resource development.

Commenting on some of the challenges still facing the country, the diplomat pointed to the need to improve the existing infrastructure, energy sources and supply, as well as communication.

However, he acknowledged that the government and the people are aware of these shortcomings, and are making efforts to improve the situation. He recognised, too, the potential for the commercial production of oil, which, if realised, would further add to Guyana’s development, both economically and socially. 

He further stated that the relations between Guyana and China are very good; and, through this partnership, Guyana has benefited from China’s help on several big projects. 

At present, the two countries are discussing a few other projects, such as assistance for Guyana’s telecommunications development and establishment of e-governance.

Further, China has enabled a number of Guyanese to pursue advanced studies and training in various disciplines at 100 of China’s institutions of higher learning. 

To date, 30 Guyanese have benefited from the scholarship programme; another eight will be awarded scholarships this year. 

One of the focus areas of the Chinese mission in Guyana is promoting cultural linkages. The foreign mission often uses the celebrations of its New Year to promote the Chinese culture in Guyana.


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